Frank Lloyd Wright’s Meyer May House | Grand Rapids Michigan by Ethan Tweedie

This past fall I visited my Mom who moved to Ludington Michigan, the town she grew up. Ludington is a place I am very familiar with as we visited my Grandparents there each summer growing up.  It’s a wonderful place to visit with pristine sugar sand beaches, lighthouses and tons of outdoor activities.  Since I would be in Michigan for a couple weeks I thought a visit to Grand Rapids might be fun to see Frank Lloyd Wright’s Meyer May House.  I contacted Steelcase Inc. who owns and operates the property to see if there was any chance I could photography the home.  They responded back right away and offered to give me a tour with just my Mom and I and a couple hours to photograph the home.  Below are some of the captures from this magnificent property.  Here is more information on this Frank Lloyd Wright Home:

The Meyer May House is a historic home located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. It was designed by renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1908 for local businessman Meyer May and his family. The house is considered to be one of Wright's most significant Prairie School designs.  The Meyer May House features many of the hallmarks of Wright's Prairie School style, including low-pitched roofs, overhanging eaves, and horizontal lines that blend into the surrounding landscape. The interior of the house is also characterized by open spaces, built-in furniture, and extensive use of natural materials such as wood and stone.

After the May family sold the house in the 1940s, it was rezoned for multi-family use.  In the 1980s the Steelcase office furniture company purchased the house and restored it to Wright’s original vision.

Today, the Meyer May House is open to the public as a museum and is free to visit. Visitors can tour the house and learn about Wright's architectural vision and the history of the May family. The Meyer May House is considered to be one of the best examples of Wright's Prairie School architecture, and it is a popular destination for architecture enthusiasts and tourists alike.

Special thanks goes to Don Dekker, Director of The Meyer May House for the personal tour and allowing me to photograph some of the interior. Image were photographed on October 7th 2022.

Ethan specializes in photography for luxury real estate, architects, interior designers, and luxury hotels and resorts. Ethan serves all of the Hawaiian Islands including the Big Island, Maui, Oahu and Kauai. You may contact me at 808-938-4665 |

Frank Lloyd Wright Hawaii | Photography of the only Frank Lloyd Wright Home in Hawaii by Ethan Tweedie

In 2015 It was my honor to have the opportunity to photograph the only Frank Lloyd Wright home in the State of Hawaii.  Surprisingly I never knew the home existed and to find out it was in my own hometown of Waimea Hawaii was really astounding.

The home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright was an unbuilt project designed in 1954, but shelved until 1984 and finally built in 1995 and was called the Cornwall residence.  The plans were prepared by Taliesin Associated Architects in Scottsdale, Arizona who are affiliated with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation and the only entity authorized to oversee the construction of Frank Lloyd Wright’s unbuilt projects. The project was built by local builder Hans Torweihe and some recent interior design work by Willman Interiors.

The home sits on close to 3 acres right on a bluff over looking Keanuiomano Stream and in the distance looms the amazing views of Mauna Kea Volcano, Mauna Loa Volcano and Hualalai Volcano.  The property takes full advantage of some of the best views on the Big Island.

The home is privately owned, but they do allow the home to be rented for vacationers or Frank Lloyd Wright enthusiasts.  Here is the airbnb Link

Ethan specializes in photography for luxury hotels and resorts, architects, interior designers and luxury real estate. Ethan serves all of the Hawaiian Islands including the Big Island, Maui, Oahu and Kauai. You may contact me at 808-938-4665 |